Saturday, October 18, 2008

Walking Among the Scholars: Learning!

Set in the part of London that is home to the Bloomsbury Group, Dickens' House, and the University College campus, this walk begs for a scholarly photo-essay theme. Not one to refuse such begging, I chose the theme of "Learning!" to the Walk Among the Scholars. My photos captured Learning! in its various venues and icons found along this walk. This is a rather eclectic group of photos, but that randomness is a demonstration of the diverse forms that Learning! can take and how it is remembered.

Being one of the more dingy buildings of Learning! we encountered, I thought it ironic to be the home to London's School of Hygiene. I also found the tropical medicine part of my Learning! experience on this walk. Who even knew there was such a thing as tropical medicine? It is just another demonstration of the great diversity of education London has to offer.

"University College!"
The University College of London, where a lot of Learning! takes place for the young and old of London. The atmosphere and campus of this very different from those I have experience. The fact that it is located in the middle of London may have something to do with it. The building pictured is the medical building.

"Learning! Mummified"
Pictured above is Jeremy Bentham. No, not a statue of Jeremy Benthem. Those are the actual remains of the father of Utilitarianism (minus the wax head). I thought this was a very interesting, and incredibly creepy, way to celebrate Learning! at University College. His clothed skeleton is kept in a case on campus, as per his requests in his will.

"Urban Campus"
This is a bit different form the quad at BYU. University College offers a diverse and cultured education experience for its students, being located in London where students are in close vicinity to concerts, plays, museums, and libraries to enhance their Learning!

Found in the Peace Gardens at Tavistock Square is this statue of Mahatma Gandhi. The gardens offer a peaceful place for students and others to come reflect quietly on their Learning! A statue of Gandhi is appropriate in a place where people come to meditate and reach a higher level of Learning! apart from the lectures, books, and technology.

"In One Building"
Anything one might need to inspire and perpetuate Learning! is found in the British Library. Many ground-breaking historical document are housed here, as well as floors of books, and quiet rooms for study.

"Magical Learning!"
Every year at King's Cross Station, hundreds of witches and wizards from around Great Britain gather to saunter (or joyfully skip) through Platform 9 3/4. From this platform, they continue to Hogwarts for Magical Learning!

"Are You?"
Towards the end of the walk, we encountered this place of learning. It wasn't included in our walks book, but it causes one to stop and reflect. Am I good enough? For Learning! in London? The answer, not necessarily communicated by the forbidding closed gates, is yes! London offers a rich legacy of thinkers and reformers that continually inspire those that seek Learning! within the city today.

1 comment:

Matthew R. Hall, Esq. said...

I had to look up a more light-hearted synonym of "facetious" to figure out how to describe your charming narratives.

The inadequate word I finally decided on is "whimsical."

The definitive word I decided on for Jeremy Benthem is "effingweird."