Saturday, October 18, 2008

Walking through the city: London's businessmen in their various habitats

For this walk, the theme I chose was "Businessmen in their various habitats." This area of the city is the financial center of London. As a group of four American twenty-somethings we looked somewhat out of place among the business suits and worrisome men and women power walking through the area, so I thought it would be interesting to study these accountants and other financial-types in their habitats, both natural and surprising.

"Three Businessmen"
Three businessmen in their natural habitat of cement and modern marble buildings. They are probably discussing important financial world issues. I'm sure they look more confident then they feel at this point in time.

"Lunch at St. Pauls"
Our walk started at St. Paul's Cathedral, where many business men and women take their lunch and snack breaks. The steps are usually covered with black and charchoal suits chatting and munching on their sandwiches and baguettes.

"Organic vs. Corporate"
I thought that this was an interesting juxtaposition and a surprising habitat for business people at the market at Cheapside. This organic and fresh food is probably much appreciated by the health-conscious business people of the area.

A less surprising habitat still in the Cheapside area, businessmen gathered at a pub. This is a more cathartic activity for them I believe, as opposed to relaxing. They come here to let off steam; there was a rather heated discussion taking place between the men at the table.

"The Hung, the Drawn, and the Quartered"
Again, a natural habitat at the "Hung, Drawn, and Quartered" pub. Though I couldn't capture it without appearing to be a creep, there were a number of businessmen outside this pub. The man that I did capture looks like he's been hung, drawn, and quartered mentally.

"Natural Habitat"
This book market outside of a church is what inspired my theme. These men took a break from their working day to peruse a variety of literature. This is a good demonstration of London businessmen in particular in their natural habitat; this country and city loves to read.

"Home, please."
These next two pictures were taken towards the end of the day, and all of the business men and women hurry home to simple be people.

"I want to die a little"
...but some have to pause for some extra unwinding. Smoke break: natural habitat. This man looked so worn and stressed as he took one more smoke break on the Thames before heading home. It was an accurate representation of how a lot of people working in financial districts throughout the world look and feel right now.

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